The Slow Down

Confession: Lately, I’m stuck on autopilot. 👩‍✈️Wake up, go to work, come home, do more work, go to sleep, wash, rinse, repeat.

I know I’m not the only one. New York winters are looooooong. 🙄

When we’re living like this, we have to kick ourselves… we’re not doing enough of the things that make our weird little hearts happy. 😢

So what makes me happy… what do I like to do in my spare time…

On occasions that are embarrassingly rare, I enjoy getting lost in familiar places.

“And what does she mean by that?”

It’s taking the same path you always do, but with a perspective shift.

It’s a slow down.

It’s being grateful.

It’s feeling the wind kiss my nose when I roam through the birch trees.

It's hearing the snow fall lightly the ground.

It’s strolling, rather than passing everything at 40 MPH.

It’s noticing intricate details about buildings I’ve overlooked, but driven by a thousand times and of course, for me, it’s about finding new places to take photographs.

On one of these - #getlostinfamilarplaces days, I took a stroll around the Village of New Hartford. What I thought would be a quick 15 minute shoot, soon turned into a night shoot as the moon lit up the sky.

There was a chill in the air, but it didn’t matter to me. It was just nice to take it all in. To be up close and personal with what beauty exists in our backyard, and to be able to see it from behind my camera lens.

Let this serve as a reminder to always explore…the captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, you are now free to roam about the cabin, remove your blinders, and briefly break free.

There is so much more to life than the daily grind, we just have to want to see it.

#newhartfordny #capturingmoments #makingmemories